صفحه اعضای هیئت علمی - دانشکده علوم

Update: 2025-03-03
Amir Aynehband
دانشکده کشاورزی / گروه مهندسی تولید و ژنتیک گیاهی
Master Theses
مقایسه عملكرد و اجزای عملكرد گندم در سه روش كشت و باكاربرد مقادیر مختلف بقایای گیاهی گندم
معصومه شبیبی 1403 -
مطالعه كشت مخلوط افزایشی كرچك و بالنگوی شهری تحت تاثیر كود نیتروژن
محمدرضا خالقی زاده دهكردی 1403 -
اثر كمیت بقایای برنج و كود ورمیكمپوست بر عملكرد باقلا در كشت دوگانه برنج-باقلا
علیه عبیات 1402 -
اثر نوع بقایای گیاهی و مدیریت تلفیقی کود بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد کرچک
نرگس جعفرزاده 1401 -
اثر کمیت بقایای کشت مخلوط جو و شبدر بر عملکرد دانه و میوه در کشت مخلوط ماش و بامیه
محمد نصیری مجد 1400 -
اثر بقایای گیاهی و روشهای کشت بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد کینوا ( chenopodium quinoa wild ) در اهواز
لیزا لطفی نیا 1400 -
اثر مدیریت تلفیقی کود بر توان رقابت پذیری و عملکرد دانه کینوا(Chenopodium quinoa willd.) در اهواز
سمیه اصلانی 1400 -
مقایسه تاثیر کودهای کمپوست و ورمی کمپوست تولیدی از بقایای گیاهی مختلف بر عملکرد کنجد
منصور مشایخی 1399 -
اثر مدیریت بقایای گیاهی کنجد و تلفیق کودهای شیمیایی و زیستی بر عملکرد گندم در اهواز
زهرا پورحسینی 1398 -
اثرتداخلی گیاه زراعی نابهجای کلزا بر عملکرد دانه و کارایی استفاده از نیتروژن در جو
اسماء بوحمید 1397 -
اثر تنوع گیاهان علوفه ای و روش کشت برعملکرد کمی و کیفی علوفه
سیدصابر حسینی چمنی 1396 -
اثر روش کاشت و باکتری های محرک رشد بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد کنجد.
فریبا مزرعه 1395In order to study the effect of different planting methods and use of PGPR on yield and yield components of sesame a field experiment was conducted at summer of 2016 in shahid chamran university. The experimental design was split-plot based on RCB with 3 replications. The main treatment plots was planting methods (two rows on the stack for zykzak, one row on the stack and furrow) and the sub-plots was applying PGPR for fertilizer treatments (control: Fully chemicals, integrated fertilizer 1: 50% N + P +K with Super Nytrvplas, integrated fertilizer 2: N +50% P + K with Ptabarvr 2 and integrated fertilizer 3: 50% N + P + K with Hyvmyksyn and biosulfur), respectively. The results showed that the highest (1441.25 kg/ha) grain yield in different planting methods belongs to one row on the stack planting method and minimum (1078.92 kg/ha) grain yield in the planting furrow. It is also about treatments maximum (1674.44 kg/ha) grain yield of highly chemical treatment and the lowest (1068 kg/ha) grain yield were related to the integrated treatment 1. Also in the determination of interactions between treatments, the highest (1825.33 kg/ha) grain yield in planting two rows on the stack for zykzak and completely chemical fertilizer treatment and the lowest (892.33 kg/ha) grain yield in crop planting furrow treatment and 1 integrated fertilizer treatment, respectively. Also, the highest (52.24) and the lowest (33.2) Oil content respectively, related to planting one row and chemical fertilizer treatment and planting furrow fully integrated fertilizer treatment 2, respectively. The quality of oil produced in integrated fertilizer methods in all methods of planting have higher-quality oil and contains more unsaturated fatty acids than the whole chemical fertilizer treatment, but planting method did not have a significant effect on the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids Overall results showed that planting two rows on the stack for zykzak and one row and completely chemical fertilizer treatment can be useful for achieving greater yield.
مقایسه کمیت و کیفیت علوفه در کشت مخلوط گیاهان علوفه ای نخود-جو در اهواز
شیرین كیخواه 1395In order to study of plant density ratio and different fertilizer managements on the quantity and quality of pea-barley intercropping system in Ahvaz, a field experiment was conducted in Agriculture Faculty of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz at 2015. Experimental design was split-plot based of RCB with 3 replications. Main plot included 5 plant density ratios(i.e.0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of each crop) and sub-plots included 3 different fertilizer managements. Our result showed that the total forage yield was changed by changing in plant density ratios. In addition, different fertilizer management had significant effect on total forage yield. And also, each crop production. In plant density ratios treatment, the highest intercropping forage yield was (774/87 gr/m2). It is due to reproductive and stem weight in barley crops in this treatment. The highest intercropping forage yield under different fertilizer managements was in chemical management (692/96gr/m2). Intraction between both treatments showed that plant density ratio 50%pea-50%barley (909/89gr/m2) with chemical management had the highest intercropping forage yield among all treatments. The highest LER index (1/19) was in plant density ratio50%pea-50%barley with chemical fertilizer management. The highest protein (17/88%) was in ratio75%peanut-25%barley density with chemical fertilizer management. This study showed that intercropping of pea-barley was a suitable approach quantitatively and qualitatively. Finally attention to amount of forage in treatments, plant density ratio 25%peanut-75%barley with integrated fertilizer management was our advisable treatment based on Agro-ecological principles.
تاثیر نسبت های وزنی کرم خاکی و نوع بقایای گیاهی در تولید ورمی کمپوست، عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد گندم.
سارا رییسی بیدكانی 1394In order to study the effect of different crop residues on vermicompost production and earthworm characters, an experiment was conducted in greenhouse of Agricultural Faculty of Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz at 2014. The experimental design was factorial based on RCBD with 3 replications. First factor including 3 crop residues (e.g. wheat, Sesame sugarcane with control). Second factor including 3 earthworms weight quantity (e.g.60, 75 and 90 gr in the context of the original organic matter). Chemical properties of the final vermicompost and also some earthworm characters such as population, weight and growth stage (mature and immature) were evaluated. The results of this experiment showed that both crop residue type and earthworm weight had significant effect on the population and total worm number. The highest mature worm number (268) and weight (122.79 gr) was obtained in sesame residue with 90 gr worm weight treatment and the highest immature worm number (3853) and weight (131.60 gr) was obtained in sugar cane residue with 90 gr worm weight treatment. In conclusion, found that sesame and sugarcane residue was suitable for increasing weight and number of earth worms, respectively. Our result showed that highest grain yield (6.8 g/m2) and biological yield (14.02 g/plant) and the highest harvest index (48%) was belonged to vermicompost produced by sesame residue with 90 gr worm weight. we find that converting crop residue to vermicompost will improve the chemical characters of fertilizers, And the end result will be to increase crop yield.
اثر تلفیق کودهای آلی و بیولوژیک بر عملکرد علوفه دو رقم آمارانت
محمدرضا محمدی تودشكی 1394Amaranth as a new crop has a high adaptability to temperate and warm climate. In order to study the effect of fertilizer management methods (organic–inorganic) on two amaranth cultivars, a field experiment was conducted during 2014 in research station of Agriculture Faculty. Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz. Experimental design was split plot based on RCB with 3 replications. Main plot was including of different fertilizer managements including; Organic1 (Compost + Nitro plus + Barvar-2 + Hiumixin-L), Organic2 (Vermicompost + Nitro plus + Barvar-2 + Phospho Nitro Kara), Chemical (N50-P30-K20), Integrated (Vermicompost+Phospho Nitro Kara+ Hiumixin-L+20kg N ha-1) and Control. Sub-plot including two amarant cultivars (Plansman and Koniz). Our results showed that both organic method and Koniz Cv. had the highest plant height, stem diameter, leaf and stem dry weight and also total dry weight. Total dry weight had the highest significant correlation with stem weight.The highest fodder yield (368.1 g/m2) belonged to second organic management method in Koniz Cv. because of highest leaf and stem dry weight. Both organic methods had the highest Digestibility, Metabolic Energy, Crude Protein and Water Soluble Carbohydrates. No significant differences was showed between cultivar for quality characters. Apply integrated method in Koniz Cv. Had highest digestibility (57.93 percent) but had no significant differences with organic 2 method. highest Crude Protein (17.97 percent) belonged to Cv. Plansman with Organic 1 treatment. Total dry matter had positive correlation with digestibility but negative correlation with Crude Protein.
ارزیابی تولید کمپوست از بقایای گیاهان مختلف زراعی و تأثیر آن بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد گندم (.Triticum aestivum L).
فروغ كاكادزفولی 1393In order to evaluation of compost production from different crop residues and its effect on wheat yield (Triticum aestivum L.). A green house experiment was conductied at 2012-2013 in Shahid Rejai Agro-industrial company. First stage including production of compost fertilizer from crop residue. The experimental design was factorial based RCB. Second stage was evaluation the effect of these fertilizer on wheat yield. The experiment design was RCB with 3 replications. The treatment were 12 compost fertilizers that produced in first stage. Our results showed that the highest (11.80 kg) and lowest (9.61 kg) quantity of compost production belonged to sugarcane 40 % compost and rice 30% compost fertilizer, respectively. Also, rice 30% compost had a highest N-P-K content and lowest C/N ratio. In addition, the highest wheat grain yield (689.2g/m2) belonged to rice 30% compost fertilizer. In conclusion, Our result showed that converting crop residue to compost will have positive effect on wheat grain yield.
ارزیابی تولید ورمی کمپوست از بقایای گیاهان مختلف زراعی و تاثیر آن بر عملکرد گیاه ماش (Vigna radiata L.)
سكینه گورویی 1393In order to study the effect of different crop residues on vermicompost production and earthworm characters, an experiment was conducted in greenhouse of Agricultural Faculty of Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz at 2013. The experimental design was factorial based on RCBD with 3 replications. First factor including 4 crop residues (e.g. rice, maize, wheat, sugarcane with control). Second factor including 3 weight ratio of crop residues (e.g. 30, 40 and 50%). vermicompost fertilizer quantity and also some earthworm characters such as population, weight and growth stage (mature and immature) were evaluated. Our result showed that both crop residue and weight ratio had signification effect on population and weight of earthworms. The highest (352.3 g) earthworm weight was belonged to use of wheat residues with 50% weight ratio. The highest (7193) earthworm population was belonged to rice residues with 30% weight ratio. Also, application of 30% weight ratio of wheat residues produced a highest (3288.6 g) vermicompost fertilizer with highest converting factor (83.29%). Our result showed that highest grain yield (188.5 g/m2) and highest biological yield (476/45 g/m2) was belonged to vermicompost produced by rice residue with 40% weight ratio. In conclusion, we find that converting crop residue to vermicompost will improve the chemical characters of fertilizers.
اثر الگوهای مختلف تناوبی و تلفیق کودهای بیولوژیکی و شیمیایی بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد گندم
محمود شوهانی 1392In order to study the effect of crop rotations and biofertilizers on wheat ecosystem, a field experiment was conducted in agricultural faculty of shahid chamran university at 2011-2012. The experimental design was split-plot with 3 replications. Main plot including 5 crop rotations based on wheat with sunflower, millet, maize, sesame and mung bean. Sub plot including 3 fertilizer managements including %100 chemical, %100 biological and integrated type. Our result showed that highest grain yield (7.1 t/ha) was belonged to mung bean-wheat in integrated fertilizer management. Biological manner had lowest straw and grain yield and protein percent. Between non-legume crop rotations, highest grain yield (5.3 t/ha) belonged to corn-wheat rotation. Also, the lowest grain yield (4.9 t/ha) belonged to sesame-wheat rotation. Lowest soil nitrogen (0.054%), phosphorus (2.9 mg/kg) and potash (162 mg/kg) were belonged to present of sunflower, millet and sesame on full chemical treatment, respectively. In short duration, fertilizer managements had more effect on grain yield than crop rotations. In addition, rotation effect was changed by changing in fertilizer management from chemical to biological type.
اثر پرتوهای یونیزه بر توان جوانه زنی و استقرار گیاهان زراعی گندم ،کلزا و علف های هرز خردل وحشی و یولاف وحشی
سیده سارا حیاتی 1392Find appropriate ways to boost agricultural production without any adverse effect on the environment side of the main issues discussed . To illustrate the effect of ionizing radiation on the germination and establishment of crops of wheat , canola and wild mustard weed oat crop trials in 2013-14 in two parts: in vitro ( in the laboratory of seed technology (germination)) and pot (in the Research Station of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran) as a split plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Factors examined included the type of radiation ( primary treatment ) in two (X and gamma) , the intensity of the radiation ( the first sub-plots ) in two radiation levels ( low and high ) and growing ( sub- plots ), four levels of wheat crops (Triticum aestivum) and canola (Brassica napus) and two weed, wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) and wild oat (Avena ludoviciana), respectively. The laboratory portion of the study traits , germination percentage, germination rate, uniformity of germination, root and shoot length, germination, root to shoot ratio, mean germination time woman and shoot and root dry weight of seedlings in the pot experiment at full deployment traits such as plant height , leaf number, shoot dry weight , leaf dry weight , stem dry weight , protein content of arable crops and weeds were evaluated Survey results indicate a positive and significant effect ¬ cant type and severity of radiation on plants was tested in the laboratory so that the results of seed germination for wheat, the highest percentage (90.22 percent), speed (0.42) and germination index (12.0) in the treatment uses low-level X-rays were obtained. For rapeseed, the highest percentage (91.44percent), speed (0.41) and germination index (11.26) in the same treatment (use low-level X-rays) are obtained by applying the same treatment in the grass the oats and mustard weed reduction (37 and 21%), speed (20 and 28%) and germination (25 and 24 percent respectively). In other traits similar results were observed in the germination , increasing the radiation dose reduced for these traits in crop plants and weeds were . In connection with the use of gamma-ray results showed that greater than X negative impact ( up 6% ) on the properties , the study of the properties of the plants also impact significantly increase the use of x-ray characteristics such as plant height, numberSo, we can use the time to winnow seeds rays can lead to the growth characteristics of plants under the rays that cause crops to weed dominance.
اثر نوع بقایای گیاهی و تلفیق کودهای بیولوژیک بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد گیاه کلزا (Brassica napus L.)
امین كرمی 1392Abstract:
To evaluate the ways plant residues and combined management of biofertilizers affect the yield and the yield components of canola seeds, a study was conducted at the Shahid Chamran University agricultural research field in the crop year of 1391-1392. This study was done using the split plot scheme with completely-random blocks in three repeats. The main plot was the crop residues in three levels including sesame residue, mungbean residue and a combnation of both sesame and mung residues. The sub-plot consisted of combining biofertilizers in three levels of 100% chemical, 100% biological, and 50%-50% biological and chemical fertilizers. The measured characteristics included 1000-grain weight, straw yield, seed yield, biological yield, harvest index (HI), oil percentage and oil yield. The results showed that the combination of residues (mungbean + sesame) had a meaningful effect on the yield and the yield components in comparison to other residues, where the maximux yield (396.30 gr/m2) and minimum (254.77 gr/m2) of canola yield for canola seeds were due to the combination of residues and the sesame methods, respectively. Also, among various fertilizers, the chemical fertilizers had the most meaningful effect on the crop yield and crop components yield where in the combined-fertilizer management method, the maximum (350.57 gr) and minimum (320.63 gr) crop yield of canola seeds were apparent in chemical and biological management methods, respectively. Also, the maximum (45.02) and the minimum (37.99) percent of oil yield of canola seeds were due to the combination method and sesame method, respectively. In addition, in the combined fertilizer method, the maximum (44.02) and the minimum (40.66) percent of oil yield for the canola plant resulted from the combined management and biological management methods, respectively. To sum up, the effect of the treatment of combined crop and chemical residues on the yield and yield components of canola seeds was better than other treatments.
بررسی تأثیر مقادیر و زمان های کابرد کودآهن نانو بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد کلزا.
فاطمه بیاتی قیداری 1392 -
ارزیابی اکولوژیکی توان تولید کشت مخلوط کنجد و ماش در نسبت های تراکمی و فواصل بین ردیف متفاوت
سجاد راستگو 1392In order to study the productivity and competition ability of Sesame and Mung bean, a field experiment was conducted in Agriculture Faculty of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz at 2012. Experimental design was split-plot based of RCB with 3 replications. Main plot included 2 planting patterns and sub-plots included 5 plant density ratios. Our result showed that both 50 & 75 cm inter-rows in 50+50% density ratios had the highest intercrop grain yield (2.05 & 2 ton/ha), respectively. In most treatments, Sesame had the higher grain yield than Mung bean. Increasing of plant density had positive effect on yield improving of both crops. The harvest index was improved by increasing of inter-row distance due to increase in grain yield and decrease in biological yield. The LER index was higher than one in all intercropping systems that result of priority of intercropping systems than monocropping systems. Sesame had higher competition ability than mung bean, so this crop was dominant crop in intercropping systems than mung bean. In addition that the highest yield of the intercropping (2.05 tons per hectare) was obtained at density ratio of 50% each of the plants and 50 cm distance between rows, without significant difference with 75 cm distance between rows. In these situation, sesame grain yield was two times more than mung bean grain yield (e.g. 1.35 and 0.69 tone per hectare, respectively). In all intercropping systems, LER was higher than monocropping. Competitiveness indicators showed that in most cases, sesame crop was stronger competitor than the mung bean. Furthermore, where the density ratio of sesame is lower than 25%, the crop will had a low offensive ability. In contrast, when density ratio of mung bean was more than 75%, the aggressivity of this crop was highest. Therefore, we can conclude that 50 +50% density ratio and 75 cm interrow spacing for an optimal intercropping is ideal.
اثر مدیریت بقایای گیاهی بر روی عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد کشت مخلوط آمارانت و ماش
اكبر بهاری 1391 -
اثر تلفیق کودهای بیولوژیک و شیمیایی در رقابت خردل وحشی ( Sinapis arvensis L.) با گندم(Triticum aestivum L.) در شرایط آب و هوایی اهواز.
سیما قلمباز 1391 -
ارزیابی اکولوژیکی تاثیر رقابت درون گونه ای و بین گونه ای بر کارایی استفاده از نیتروژن و کارایی استفاده از ذخایر فتوسنتزی در گندم
سارا اسدی 1390 -
اثر گیاهان کود سبز و سطوح نیتروژن بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد گندم(Triticum aestivum L.).
فرزاد گرامی سین آبادی 1390 -
اثر روش های مدیریت تلفیقی کنترل علف های هرز بر عملکرد کمی و کیفی نیشکر
افشین حسین زاده 1390 -
مقایسه کمیت و کیفیت علوفه در دو الگوی کشت مخلوط ذرت / ماش و ذرت / تاج خروس
محمد بهروز 1389 -
مطالعه اکولوژیکی اثر طول دوره رقابت علفهای هرز و تراکم بوته گیاه زراعی بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد کلزا
خاور افشاری نفر 1389 -
اثر نسبیت های مختلف N-P-K و زمان های مختلف کاشت بر عملکرد و اجزاء عملکرد گندم
مریم ولی پور نوروزی 1388 -
بررسی اثر زمان حذف تداخل و فواصل بین ردیف و جوامع علفهای هرز برعملکرد و اجزای عملکرد باقلا در شرایط آب و هوایی اهواز
محمد جواد حلالی پور 1387 -
بررسی اثر زمان حذف رقابت و مقادیر کود نیتروژن بر روابط متقابل علف هرز و کلزا در شرایط آب و هوایی اهواز
مهر انگیز قنواتی 1387 -
اثر مدیریت بقایایی گیاهی و تقسیط کود نیتروژن بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد گیاه کلزا
مریم تهرانی 1387 -
بررسی عملکرد کمی وکیفی آمارنت علوفهای در تاریخهای مختلف کشت در شرایط آب و هوایی اهواز
وحید آقاسی زاده 1385